Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies (University of Valladolid)

Volunteer Program: the Pintia Project awaits you

Volunteer Program: <i>Pintia</i> for all
Volunteer Program: Pintia for all

Your opportunity to collaborate on the project

Pintia's Archaeological Site is open to the public participation of all those interested in the archaeological investigation of the heritage that contains this unique enclave, as well as in the conservation and maintenance of its spaces and contents. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed and we will certainly throw in a bit of celebration as well! No matter your age or profession, all knowledge and skills are necessary in the project.

We usually meet at least one Saturday a month. From September to April we are dedicated to maintaining and improving the CEVFW facilities and the various areas of the necropolis of Las Ruedas, as well as the tasks necessary for the recovery of the landscape of La Vega Stream; as of April, we also prepare the annual excavation campaign and finally, during June, July and August, the Pintian volunteers collaborate with the archaeologists and the students of the international courses in the excavations and in the different works in the workshops.

To participate in volunteering activities you must fill out the application form that will be given to you once you show up for the first time. These volunteering sessions will be duly announced. If you want to attend for the first time, please send us an email to cevfw@uva.es indicating your full name and contact phone number and tell us something about yourself to get to know you better (hobbies, studies, how you found out about the Pintia Project...).

We are waiting for you: Pintia needs you!

Important notice: please note that these activities do not correspond to an excavation program, but rather a program to support archaeologists and the conservation and maintenance of Pintia's Archaeological Site. If you wish to participate in a regular excavation program or learn the archaeological methodology in a practical way, please have a look at the corresponding Archaeological courses we offer.

Universidad de Valladolid
© 2025 Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies (University of Valladolid)

c/ Real, s/n. - Padilla de Duero
47314 Valladolid - Spain
Tel. +34 983 881 240

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Tempos Vega Sicilia

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid Junta de Castilla y León Consejo Regulador D.O. Ribera del Duero

Asociación Cultural Pintia

Desarrollado por Ubicuo