Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies (University of Valladolid)

Make a donation to the Pintia Project!

We need your collaboration to protect the Archaeological Heritage

The main objectives of the Pintia Project are the protection, research and dissemination of the Vaccean Archaeological Site that gives it its name. It seeks its self-financing through the Volunteer Program, the support of the Pintia Cultural Association, through the publication of the Vaccea Anuario, as well as various programs, such as guided tours, marketing sales, Archaeology programs for children and families or, especially, certain modalities of excavation for Spanish and foreign students and also open to the public in general.

After more than ten years without receiving any help from the different Administrations involved in the protection of the Archaeological Heritage for the development of the excavations in the Site, the Pintia Cultural Association has launched several actions (crowdfunding campaigns, donations from people interested in heritage conservation) to try to obtain sufficient funds that guarantee the continuity of the Pintia Project in time.

For these reasons, all help, however small, will be welcome. If you wish to make a financial contribution, please indicate us by email (asociacionculturalpintia@gmail.com) and we will provide you a bank account number or PayPal account to make a deposit or a transfer.

Thank you very much for your support!

Universidad de Valladolid
© 2025 Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies (University of Valladolid)

c/ Real, s/n. - Padilla de Duero
47314 Valladolid - Spain
Tel. +34 983 881 240

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Tempos Vega Sicilia

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid Junta de Castilla y León Consejo Regulador D.O. Ribera del Duero

Asociación Cultural Pintia

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